STOP It’s… Today in the News 11/7/2014

Flash Study:
In Cody’s portion of Show and Tell he told of a new study, If you’re a fan of Flash then you know in the beginning Flash saves a bicyclist before he is it with a taxi. A study was done by a group of students and thought they found it better to be hit by the taxi instead of Flash the study did find watching Flash with Cody and the #CodyFlashMob on Tuesday’s at 8pm on CW31 is far more entertaining.

Talks To Angels….. Today in the News 11/3/2014h

While Good Day had plenty of fun moments it also covered the funeral for Officer Danny Oliver. You may remember on October 24th both Sacramento Sheriff Deputy Danny Oliver and Placer County Sheriff’s Detective Michael David Davis Jr lost their life during a shooting spree that led to a husband and wife being arrested for their death. Today Officer Danny Oliver was laid to rest and Sean along with Camera Guy Dave provided the story as well as the pictures of the many Firefighters from both Sac Metro and Sac City paid respects with the hanging of the American Flag as well as saluting over the Freeway. Watch the news blocks for the story and thank Camera Guy Dave and Sean Bennett for providing the pictures of the hero that Danny Oliver is and will always will be. Also Michael David Davis Jr. will be laid to rest on Tuesday.

Scary Tuesday…. Today in the News 10/28/2014:

Twas the Tuesday before Halloween and as the costumes get ready so to do the makeup artist at Federico’s in Sacramento. Cambi was there all morning long checking out their GREAT tips and tricks for your last minute costumes and makeup to make you the talk of all Halloween parties or your kids as they travel the neighborhood hoping for those treats they so love or maybe even for their school parties. Nonetheless if you can’t do the makeup yourself Good News is Federico’s can do it for $20 Adult $10 kids per hour. Cambi showed some great ideas and one really bad one with a creepy clown that will give me nightmares for days. Whatever happened to Bozo?